FREE Relationship Webinar Video Series: 
Transform Your Relationship From Blow Out to Glow Up!

Learn The Relationship Roadtrip Formula and the 5 Types of Couples Journeys

Get free access to this webinar and begin a new relationship journey the with the BEST directions to your destination of 'happily-ever-after.' If you are stalled out or reeling from a four tire blow out, get back on track RIGHT NOW! 

I have the T (or the insider scoop for our boomers) - gleaning my insights from a Marriage and Family Therapist for 18 years, my own 28 years of marriage as well as my experience in training and certifying licensed Relationship Counselors in the US, Asia, and Europe. My brain looks for patterns and sometimes those patterns help couples understand a deeper truth. 

To prove to email servers that we are not spamming you, you will have to "Opt In" by clicking the blue box below to register your email. Your first video will be available immediately.


Michelle & Stephen Bohls

P.S. Our Getting the Love You Want® Couples Seminar is now available for couples ready to commit to an in depth relationship training program, but there is no obligation here - just a series of short videos that we took the time to make fun and informative! 


The Relationship Roadtrip Formula - 7 minutes

Learn the Transformational Relationship Roadtrip Formula and identify the strengths and challenges of your relationship Journey. 

The 5 Types of Relationship Journeys: Troubleshooting - 11 minutes

Go deeper into the Five Types of Couples including hearing the stories of real couples.

What Exactly is Good Communication? - 9 minutes

Learn the components of good communication and get back on track! 


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